What to take?
About to be spending a few days in Seville and Cordoba - hopefully both will be great photographic locations.
But it is a a few days break with my wife and not primarily a photographic expedition (as has been made clear to me).
Originally I had thought I would take both the Leica Q2 and the OM-5, but then decided it had to be one or the other, primarily to save weight when walking around.
But which? The Q2 for image quality but only a 28mm lens, or the OM-5 with both the 12-45 and the 40-150, which would cover a range of focal lengths but with a lower resolution sensor.
As at the time of writing this I have decided on the OM setup to cover the widest range of situations, but, still think I will miss the sheer joy of using the Leica,